The Crumpled-Up, Lost, Forgotten Homework Problem


Over the years, I have seen so many students struggle trying to manage notebooks, folders, binders, spirals, and more. (And don’t even get me started on the terrible, unsustainable practice of hole punching!) Most students need a simple and manageable system to organize their school papers. So here are my general rules of thumb. 

Clear is king! If your student can’t see it, it doesn’t exist! Clear, transparent folders, dividers, etc., give him a natural way to receive visual reminders of his priorities and the physical locations of his resources. 

If it takes more than two steps… your child won’t do it. Think unfussy and streamlined. One idea that works well for students who need to keep each subject in a separate binder is the Samsill 5 Subject ALL-IN-ONE School Organizer With Clipboard. With 5 colored dividers & 10 clear view pockets, there is ample storage for all your subjects. Students can color code each divider to help manage coursework and create a more organized system. Perfect for categorizing schoolwork, projects, assignments, tests, and more. Never fall behind again!

Pair like with like. In other words, ditch the homework folder. They are dumping grounds where important assignments and papers are easily misplaced. Group materials by subject. Math homework goes in the math binder. Science lab in the science folder.  

Simplify supplies! I can’t stress this enough. Buy multi-function items or simply limit the number of pens and pencils your student has in his desk drawer. Less stuff to manage means greater organization. 



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