5 Essential School Supplies For College Students

Most college classes are in full swing but it is never too late to share some organizing tips with your college student. Read on!

Folders, Folders, Folders!

College professors/TAs/advisors DO NOT HOLE PUNCH. Make sure you have a folder for each class (color coded works best) so that you can immediately file away important papers and handouts the minute you get them. Keep a hole puncher and binders in your dorm room so you can file papers away permanently later on.

Big Rings

The best way to keep notebooks and folders together is with giant rings. It is much easier to use a notebook for big lectures like calculus then to try and keep a binder under control. By having a notebook and a folder in corresponding colors held together by a ring, you can easily access everything and not deal with the hassle of a binder.


Make sure you have a notebook (doesn’t have to be huge) and a folder for things handed out at RA/advising meetings. Often times these papers have important dates and deadlines, so make sure you write them down on your calendar before you file it away.Bringing a notebook with a list of questions into meetings you’re your advisor is always helpful in ensuring you make the most out of your time. This can be a little book that you keep in your bag at all times, but it will make those meetings much more productive if you know what help you need.

Typed Notes

The transition from taking paper notes in high school to being able to use a laptop in college can often trip people up. Make sure you have a system you really like, whether it be Google Docs, Evernote, or just plain old Word docs. It is important that BEFORE THE SEMESTER BEGINS you get yourself set up with all of your subjects in folders on your computer, so you can easily categorize, save, and access notes when they’re needed.

Desk Calendars

Keep track of your month by using a giant desk calendar. Target makes a great July-July calendar that’s big, lays flat on a desk, and has lines so you can easily fill in important tests or meetings coming up. Use pens that match your supply colors to jot down tests or events that you have. This will allow you to quickly glance down at your desk and easily see what’s coming up.


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Read our blog post, 5 Tips for an Organized and Stress Free Year!

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