How Does Lighting Affect Learning?

Did you know that lighting is a dominant factor in the brain’s ability to focus? Studies show that learners in brightly lit environments got higher grades than those in dimly lit classrooms. It seems that poor lighting reduces the effectiveness of the brain’s power to gather data. And full-spectrum lighting (like natural light) works best to improve behavior, create less anxiety and stress, and improve overall health.

[Read: Why Studying In Different Rooms Works]


Studies show that overhead cool-white fluorescent lighting ricochets off the surface of a school assignment into the eyes. This reflection causes a type of unintended glare called veiling reflection. This interferes with students’ ability to read words on paper and the chalkboard, which in turn harms academic performance. In fact, those classrooms in which natural lighting was used had students performing at about 25% higher rates than their peers.

Now unfortunately there isn’t much we can do to change the lighting at school; but we can make our home environment more effective. Here’s how.

Situate your desk or work area near a window. It’s that simple and easy. Staring at greenery is so so good for us. Research also tells us that natural light increases productivity, creates less stress and improves overall health. Or take it outside. (I’m literally sitting outside as I write this.). Some call working outside while being surrounded by nature the new “10,000 steps!”

No matter where you work just make sure of one thing… “To Let The Sunshine In!”

[Read: Do You Need to Fidget to Focus?]


Order Out of Chaos’ mission is to provide hands-on education, guidance, and coaching to parents and their students through our customized products and programs, so all children – both mainstream and with learning difficulties – can develop the necessary skills needed to experience success in learning and in life.
