Top 5 Digital Distraction Busters


Do you or your teen sometimes lack the self-control to monitor tech usage?  Do you find it hard to focus or stay on task?  You aren’t alone!  In a world that is more virtual than ever, the distractions are everywhere and are hard to ignore.  Luckily there are dozens of helpful apps and tools that can be installed directly on your computer! These programs allow you to set time periods during the day that restrict access to the Internet, block certain websites during certain parts of the day, reduce digital overwhelm and help boost productivity!


One Tab

Save up to 95% memory and reduce tab clutter. Whenever you find yourself with too many tabs, click the One Tab icon to convert all of your tabs into a list. When you need to access the tabs again, you can either restore them individually or all at once.



With Self-Control, you can block out distracting websites for a set amount of time. It is truly customizable in terms of which sites you can block and for how long. No amount of browser restarts or computer reboots will stop it. However, rather than completely disabling the entire Internet, you can selectively decide which sites are okay or not.


OmmWriter is a tool that makes it easier for you to concentrate. Based on a natural setting, it effectively insulates your mind from distractions and sets up a direct line between your thoughts and your words.



Replace your tab page with a personal dashboard featuring to-dos, weather, and inspiration.

A customized New Tab page provides calm and inspires you to be more productive. Get inspired with a daily photo and quote, set a daily focus, or track your to-dos.


Focus Me

The Productivity App That FORCES You to Focus! No cheats or workarounds. Focus Me is more than just a website blocker, it’s a fully customizable tool that “walls off” online temptation to instantly increase personal efficiency and take countless hours of your life back.

  • Block, limit, or ration use of time-sucking websites & apps.

  • Build better habits for long-term willpower.

  • Powerful “force” mode when you need to go nuclear.

does your student struggle with hyperactivity and inattention?

The article, Are You Sure It’s ADHD? is a great resource to read from one of my favorites -ADDitude magazine!


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