Why You Should Create a “Personal Homework Profile” for Your Child

I hate homework - but not for the reasons that you may think. I’m all for homework that reinforces lessons taught in school, projects that can really speak to a student’s creativity and learning styles, and assignments that challenge a student to be a critical thinker and problem solver. What I hate about homework is two-fold. First, most homework assignments place more emphasis on content rather than process. And second, because of that emphasis, students generally think that all that is needed to “successfully” deal with homework is to do what is asked of them. This is where the way homework is assigned and approached by students falls short and an opportunity to learn lifelong skills is missed.

Let me explain: Ask any student if they give any thought to how they will tackle their evening homework, and most will answer that they just sit down and do it. Juggling homework with everything else a teen has to do is not easy. Knowing what their best methods are to get homework done in an effective manner is even harder.And, unfortunately, parents don’t always know now how to help here. Parents generally have strong opinions about how teens should do their homework. Some believe it should be done right after school; while others feel it should be done in the same place everyday. Regardless of what we feel, a lot of new research shows that the old way of doing homework may not be the best way. As we know, children learn differently and therefore study best in different ways. Everyone has individual homework preferences and personalities - or what I call a Personal Homework Profileand students need to learn how to tap into it to create a more holistic approach to get their work done. A “Personal Homework Profile” takes the whole student into account. This does not need to be a formal process. Think of it as a guide to help you uncover your child’s best practices. Here are a few questions to get you and your child started.

  • What time is best for them to start homework?

  • When are they at their peak energy level after school?

  • Do they prefer working in a noisy or quiet environment?

  • What kind of snacks do they like to eat?

  • Can they work fast and furious or do they need constant breaks to accomplish their work?

  • Do they need music to keep them on task or does background noise work better?

  • Do they prefer a body double to keep them anchored or to work alone?

  • Which subject is the easiest for them? Which takes the longest? Which subject do they like to start with?

  • Do they need to move around to different spots in the house to keep their effort level up?

If you help your child create a profile that taps into their strengths and needs we can provide them with strategies and resources that will benefit them long after their homework days. You will also be helping your child learn effective time management tools and providing them with life long skills.


Read our blog post, 5 Tips for an Organized and Stress Free Year!


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